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What are the key features of the PROWESS project?


Online Application

This feature allows users to submit scholarship application, attach document requirements, monitor application status, and update information. This feature simplifies and accelerates the application process, scholarship renewal, or job postings, and enhancing user convenience and efficiency.


Data Analytics

Data analytics for student scholars entails the systematic use of data to improve data visualization of scholars and decision-making. It includes actions such as collecting and evaluating academic data, finding trends, and making informed decisions to meet the needs of every party.


Skills Matching

This feature compares individual's skills, qualifications, or preferences with available opportunities set by the industry. It helps users find the most suitable matches, streamlining the process of connecting individuals with opportunities that align with their abilities and capabilities.


Online Scholarship Application

Implementing an online scholarship application feature involves creating a digital platform where students can easily apply for scholarships.

    Accessibility: Online systems make it easy for applicants to access scholarship information and submit applications from anywhere with internet access.
    Efficiency and Time Savings: Automation of application submission, document uploads, and communication accelerates the entire application process, saving time for both applicants and administrators.
    Scalability: Online systems can efficiently handle a large volume of scholarship applications, making them suitable for both small and large-scale scholarship programs.

Data Analytics

Implementing data analytics features for online scholarship renewal can greatly enhance the efficiency, transparency, and decision-making processes.

    Performance Analytics: Provide insights into the correlation between academic performance and the likelihood of scholarship renewal.
    Real-time Reporting:Generate real-time reports for administrators, highlighting key metrics such as the number of applications received, processed, and approved.
    Feedback Mechanism: Collect feedback from both applicants and administrators to continually improve the scholarship renewal process.

Skills Matching

Skills matching to the industry involves incorporating features that assess applicants' skills and align them with the requirements of the specific industry for future job opportunity.

    Skill Assessment Module: Implement a module where applicants can input their skills, both technical and soft skills.
    Automated Skill Matching Algorithm:Implement an algorithm that matches the skills provided by applicants with the skills required in the industry.
    Feedback Loop for Employers: Establish a feedback loop where employers can provide insights into the skills they find most valuable.

Check Out The Video

This video will show you the sample demonstration on how the student can register profile through PROWESS Website.

About The Team

Meet the team behind PROWESS! Our team is composed of skilled and dedicated individuals who have worked together to create PROWESS Online Scholarship System A scholarship registry, monitoring dashboard and job matching prediction system for the Province of Davao del Sur.


Dr. John Vianne B. Murcia

Project Leader


Eduard L. Pulvera, MSIS

Project Staff


Joan May B. Delima, MIT

Project Staff


Conrado B. Panerio, Jr., MAT

Project Staff


John Raven V. Manulat, MIT

Project Staff

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